Hinterland Outfitting

Hinterland Outfitting Ltd.

Big Game Hunting in Newfoundland

We strive to be as helpful as possible with our clientele, from your first contact with us to the time
you return home with your game and trophies.

Newfoundland Woodland Caribou Hunt

April 6th, 2015
It all started with an email to Craig Pomeroy owner of Hinterland Outfitting Ltd. in Bishop’s Falls, Newfoundland in early February, 2011. I’d come across his website while surfing the web looking for a Woodland Caribou hunt. What I was doing I had no idea, here I was living in Alaska ho[...]

"Fire at Will"

August 4th, 2015
As an outfitter and dealing with lots of hunters and fishers you get to see many things and hear many stories, some of which makes you highly skeptical of their authenticity, a common thing with so called stories from both sides of the fence, but after seeing what I consider to be “just about [...]

Fire at Will (part two)

August 9th, 2015
The Caribou! The day had progressed to near darkness by the time I had finished caping Paul’s Newfoundland moose and had the quarters cut, cleaned and hung to dry in our meat shed. “It’s too late to go out now for woodland caribou because it will soon be dark, let’s wait ti[...]

Incredible Newfoundland Moose and Caribou Hunt

January 26th, 2016
Hinterland Outfitting Ltd. is comprised of a great group of down-to- earth folks and that’s about all I can say. This was my first hunt using an outfitter and so of course I was a bit apprehensive as was my girlfriend who came along with me to get away from her stressful job. All my past hunts[...]

Asleep at the Wheel While 390,000 Caribou of The George River Caribou Herd Vanishes.

February 5th, 2016
There has been another dramatic decline in the George River Caribou Herd located in the Ungava region of Quebec and Labrador. A census performed in 2018 now estimate the total number of caribou remaining of this once majestic herd stands at around 5500 animals.This represents a 38 percent decline si[...]

Early September Caribou Hunt.

March 26th, 2016
Newfoundland, September 14th-19th, 2015  Woodland Caribou              I’m thinking to myself that this is going to be a long journey for me as I’m leaving to fly to Gander, Newfoundland. However it’s not the first time I’ve been the[...]

My Second Chance at A Newfoundland Moose

April 30th, 2016
  A second chance for moose in Newfoundland, October 19th, 2015 How did I do this?  I actually don’t know, even today. The path had already been trodden earlier this year in September and I was definitely itching to return. The fact is that my wife had said OK and with her blessing[...]

Woodland Caribou. On The Bucket List.

December 24th, 2018
Having never shot anything larger than a deer in all my 66 years I thought at this stage of life I should try to shoot something larger. Twenty years ago I was kind of into the “bench rest” sport and had put together a couple of small caliber custom rifles for that purpose, shooting ta[...]

National Caribou Recovery Plan

December 29th, 2018
Tiss’ Going To Be A Long Row To Hoe I’m Guessing! The following is the latest news release from the Federal Government regarding the surreal demise of the countries various Woodland ( Boreal ) Caribou populations. On the island portion of Newfoundland a vast majority of suitable habitat[...]

Annual Increase In Big Game Surveys Welcomed

January 19th, 2019
The provincial government just recently announced that it will be increasing the number of wildlife surveys conducted in the province annually. The Minister responsible, Honorable Gerry Byrne, says there are forty management zones in the province and the increased surveys will help in accurately ass[...]

Coyotes and Wolves Abound, But No Action Being Taken

January 31st, 2019
VOCM January 26, 2019. The Department of Fisheries and Land Resources is encouraging anyone who may see or encounter wolves or coyotes to call the sighting in. The department was responding to a recent encounter with suspected wolves in the Sandy Point area of central Newfoundland. Kurt Payne rec[...]

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